Leading Specialists at RREPL
Head of the laboratory,
responsible for the radiation control at the NSC KIPT
Mazilov Aleksey Aleksandrovich
PhD in Physics and Mathematics (01.04.07 – solid state physics)
Scientific interests:simulation of passage of radiation through matter;
radiation shielding calculation and optimization.
phone (057) 335-63-45; cell (067) 995-04-95
responsible for the radiation control at the NSC KIPT
Mazilov Aleksey Aleksandrovich
PhD in Physics and Mathematics (01.04.07 – solid state physics)
Scientific interests:
phone (057) 335-63-45; cell (067) 995-04-95
Senior Researcher
Tkachenko Valentina Nikolaevna
PhD in Biological Sciences (03.00.04 - biochemistry)
Specialist in the field of radiation biology
phone (057) 335-66-71; cell (097) 095-58-13
Tkachenko Valentina Nikolaevna
PhD in Biological Sciences (03.00.04 - biochemistry)
Specialist in the field of radiation biology
phone (057) 335-66-71; cell (097) 095-58-13
Head of the radiobiology and radiation genetics group
Skorobagat’ko Dariya Aleksandrovna
PhD in Biological Sciences (03.00.15 - genetics)
Specialist in the field of radiation biology
phone (057) 335-63-45; cell (067) 300-78-26
Head of the radiobiology and radiation genetics group
Skorobagat’ko Dariya Aleksandrovna
PhD in Biological Sciences (03.00.15 - genetics)
Specialist in the field of radiation biology
phone (057) 335-63-45; cell (067) 300-78-26
Junior Research Fellow
Goncharov Igor Grigirievich
Specialist in the field of electronics and spectrometry
phone (057) 335-67-27; cell (068) 605-81-07
Goncharov Igor Grigirievich
Specialist in the field of electronics and spectrometry
phone (057) 335-67-27; cell (068) 605-81-07
Head of the radiation safety regulations oversight group
Tregub Svetlana Vasilievna
Specialist in the field of radiation hygiene and sanitary and epidemiological legislation
phone (057) 335-61-77; cell (098) 238-84-05
Tregub Svetlana Vasilievna
Specialist in the field of radiation hygiene and sanitary and epidemiological legislation
phone (057) 335-61-77; cell (098) 238-84-05
Lead Research Engineer,
Head of the chemical analysis techniques group
Nikulina Valentina Yakovlevna
Specialist in the field of analytical chemistry
phone. (057) 335-66-71
Head of the chemical analysis techniques group
Nikulina Valentina Yakovlevna
Specialist in the field of analytical chemistry
phone. (057) 335-66-71
Lead Research Engineer,
responsible for environmental protection at the NSC KIPT
Bogobos Nataliya Aleksandrovna
Specialist in the field of radioecology and environmental protection
phone (057) 335-68-20; cell (096) 547-28-51
responsible for environmental protection at the NSC KIPT
Bogobos Nataliya Aleksandrovna
Specialist in the field of radioecology and environmental protection
phone (057) 335-68-20; cell (096) 547-28-51
Lead Research Engineer,
responsible for waste accounting at the NSC KIPT
Soliyakova Galina Mikhailovna
Specialist in the field of environmental protection
phone 51-77; cell (063) 939-26-77
responsible for waste accounting at the NSC KIPT
Soliyakova Galina Mikhailovna
Specialist in the field of environmental protection
phone 51-77; cell (063) 939-26-77