National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
National Science Center "Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology"
Laboratory of Radiation Research and Environmental Protection
Leading Specialists at RREPL

Mazilov A.A. Head of the laboratory,
responsible for the radiation control at the NSC KIPT

Mazilov Aleksey Aleksandrovich
PhD in Physics and Mathematics (01.04.07 – solid state physics)

Scientific interests:
  • simulation of passage of radiation through matter;
  • radiation shielding calculation and optimization.

  • alexey.mazilov@kipt.kharkov.ua
    phone (057) 335-63-45; cell (067) 995-04-95

    Tkachenko V.N. Senior Researcher
    Tkachenko Valentina Nikolaevna
    PhD in Biological Sciences (03.00.04 - biochemistry)

    Specialist in the field of radiation biology

    phone (057) 335-66-71; cell (097) 095-58-13

    Skorobagat’ko D.A. Researcher,
    Head of the radiobiology and radiation genetics group

    Skorobagat’ko Dariya Aleksandrovna
    PhD in Biological Sciences (03.00.15 - genetics)

    Specialist in the field of radiation biology

    phone (057) 335-63-45; cell (067) 300-78-26

    Goncharov I.G. Junior Research Fellow
    Goncharov Igor Grigirievich

    Specialist in the field of electronics and spectrometry

    phone (057) 335-67-27; cell (068) 605-81-07

    Tregyub S.V. Head of the radiation safety regulations oversight group
    Tregub Svetlana Vasilievna

    Specialist in the field of radiation hygiene and sanitary and epidemiological legislation

    phone (057) 335-61-77; cell (098) 238-84-05

    Nikulina V.Ya. Lead Research Engineer,
    Head of the chemical analysis techniques group

    Nikulina Valentina Yakovlevna

    Specialist in the field of analytical chemistry

    phone. (057) 335-66-71

    Bogobos N.A. Lead Research Engineer,
    responsible for environmental protection at the NSC KIPT

    Bogobos Nataliya Aleksandrovna

    Specialist in the field of radioecology and environmental protection

    phone (057) 335-68-20; cell (096) 547-28-51

    Soliyakova G.M. Lead Research Engineer,
    responsible for waste accounting at the NSC KIPT

    Soliyakova Galina Mikhailovna

    Specialist in the field of environmental protection

    phone 51-77; cell (063) 939-26-77


    We are located:
    61108 Ukraine, Kharkiv, Academichna str, 1
    phone +38(057) 335-63-45
    mob. +38(067) 995-04-95
    2021 Laboratory RREP