National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
National Science Center "Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology"
Laboratory of Radiation Research and Environmental Protection
Chemical analyses

The group of chemical analysis techniques at RREPL performs chemical control of the following environmental objects at the NSC KIPT:

The analyses are done in a specialized chemistry lab using only certified equipment and analysis techniques approved by the standards of Ukraine.

We do the analysis and issue a report on the content of:

In wastewater:

In the atmospheric air and in the air of the work zone:

The employees of the chemistry lab also carry out research work. They develop new techniques, take part in conferences, take part in interlaboratory tests confirming and improving the level of their proficiency. Special attention is paid to research on the quality of drinking water and the content of mobile forms of heavy metals in the soil.

Our laboratory is equipped with all the necessary equipment (the “Fluorat-02” liquids analyzer, photocalorimeters, muffle furnaces, рН-meters, scales, drying cabinets, a distiller, portable and stationary multichannel aspirators, etc.).

Our laboratory is the only one in Ukraine which has proven and certified technique to determine the beryllium content in environmental objects and biological environment.


We are located:
61108 Ukraine, Kharkiv, Academichna str, 1
phone +38(057) 335-63-45
mob. +38(067) 995-04-95
2021 Laboratory RREP