Research activities
Research activities at RREPL are directed towards getting new information on (a) the
features of the formation of radiation ecological situation, (b) the spectral and dose-forming
characteristics of ionizing radiation, necessary to determine or specify the level of radiation
dosimetric control, and, also, (c) the development and improvement of the techniques and
equipment of radioecological monitoring and their application for research purposes in
different areas. With that said, the main directions of research activities at RREPL are
the following:
- Computer simulation of passage of radiation through matter;
- Calculation, building and optimization of radiation shielding;
- Study of the effect of ionizing radiation on living organisms;
- Creation of biological models of technogenic, and, in particular, radiation accidents;
- Testing and implementation of techniques of radioecological monitoring, including biomonitoring, of a locality;
- Ionizing radiation spectrometry.
The results of our research can be found in a series of scientific papers.
The most important research and expert work done at RREPL:
The work related to the accident at the Chernobyl PP:
The work related to the accident at the Chernobyl PP:
- «Simulation of processes of interaction of molten fuel with structural materials»;
- «Reduction of the activity of fuel-containing masses and other radiation contaminated materials from the “Shelter” structure»;
- «Investigation of the radiation environment on the territory of the city of Kharkov and Kharkov region»;
- «The influence of the accident at the ChPP on the radiation environment in Kharkov»;
- «Investigation of the radioecological conditions of the Dniper river tributaries during the Ukrainian-Canadian expedition»;
- «Computational and analytical, and experimental investigations of a set of technological processes which are necessary to transform the “Shelter” structure into the safe state».
- Radiation shielding arrangement and calculation for all accelerators at the NSC KIPT, and, also, for the accelerating-storage complex “Synchrotron Radiation Source” with the electron energy of 1200 MeV at the Ukrainian Synchrotron Center in Kiev;
- Determination of the method and calculation of the radiation shielding for the sterilization setup based on the gamma-emitting isotopes of europium with the activity of 6·106 Ci;
- Determination of the radiation hazard degree (setting up and carrying out the experiment and calculation of the concentration of radionuclides – the products of a nuclear explosion – in mine waters and in aquifers) in the case of flooding of a cavity which was created by the underground contained nuclear explosion, executed in September, 1979, in the strata of rock of one of the mines in the city of Yenakievo of Donetsk region;
- Development, production and commissioning of an automated radiation control system at the accelerator facility with the energy of the accelerated electrons of 2000 MeV;
- Radiation control regulations for the nuclear subcritical setup "Neutron Source".